User settings

INSApplies to the
InSight AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the

Tailor your Notebook experience with personalized settings that suit your style. User settings can control how windows are displayed and can affect the amount and types of data you receive in a cart order. Access the settings from the User tab by clicking on the Settings user menu item. Click on the Modify your settings link to open the settings dialog.

General settings

Tab sections

These are general settings that affect the Notebook appearance. Options are:

  • Setting for the Home tab. You can specify whether the Getting started help page is show when you first open the Notebook.
  • Setting for the Sol tab. You can specify whether the Sol summary view shows 3, 5, or 7 sols in the listing.

Display settings


You may specify what view is shown when you click on a browse image. If the selected view is not available for an item, the default view will be displayed. The setting may be applied to single frame images collected by various cameras, mosaics, and target locator images.


Window size settings specify the default size of newly opened windows. Settings can be set separately for different types of data, activity plans, documents, mosaics, sol overview, and targets. Options are:

  • Open minimized. The window tab appears in the open windows list, but the item window does not appear in the workspace until you click on the tab.
  • Open maximized. The window opens at maximum size within the workspace.
  • Open normal size. The window opens at a size determined by the Notebook.

In addition, you may specify the initial view for detail windows that offer multiple views. For example, you might choose to start with the full size image when image data are selected. If the default view selected is not available for a particular item, the overview page will be shown instead. The views available depend on the item. Options are:

  • Overview. A summary of the selected item.
  • Image tool. A full resolution image with measurement and drawing tools if available. Available only for image data.
  • Quick view. A full resolution image without additional tools. This view loads faster than Image tool. Available only for image data.
  • Derived products. A list of additional data products derived from the same observation.
  • Literature references. A list of target references culled from science publications, including bibliography and excerpts. Available only for targets.
  • Locator image view. A full resolution view of the locator image used to define a given target. Available only for targets.
  • Mosaic view. A full resolution view of the mosaic image. Available only for image mosaics.
  • Other images of target. A list of images that contain a given target. Available only for targets.
  • PDS label. Metadata for an archive data product in the form of a PDS label. Available only for data.

Cart and order settings


These settings govern how data you order are made available to you.

Use the Delivery mechanism setting to specify how you would like your order delivered. By default, you will receive an email message with a link to zip file when it is ready for download. Options are:

  • Give me a web page of links. Choose this option to see a page of links to the files in your cart. This is a good option for smaller orders. From the links page, you can download files one at a time, or use a web tool to automate the download. Note that the page will be displayed immediately after you place your order, but files will not be downloaded until you initiate a request from the links page.
  • Notify me when a zip file is ready for download. Choose this option when your cart has many items or a large volume (in terms of bytes). Once your order is placed, our automated process will collect the requested files and create a compressed file for you to download. You'll get an email when the download is ready. Your wait time will depend on the volume of data requested.

The Post request action setting tells the Notebook whether to empty the cart or to leave items in the cart once the order is filled.

Use the File organization setting to specify a folder structure for items in your order.


You can choose whether to download the primary product type or all product types for each data product in your order. Primary product types are those most commonly used for scientific study. See Data product types for more information about primary product types.

Note that selecting all product types can significantly increase the file count and overall size of your download. Any changes made will update the cart contents listed on the page.


You may request mission and instrument documents related to data in your cart. These documents also are accessible from the Resource tab under Mission and instrument data set documents.


The image settings allows you to add browse (or quicklook) versions of images that are in the cart. The browse images are made from the archived .IMG data file using the .PNG format that can be opened by most image viewers. Note that these versions may have lower quality that the archive data and may not be useful for science application.


Many image mosaics have additional components that can be included in your cart order. You may choose to include the source single frame images as well as a source product listing, navigation parameters, and the imaging products specification. Based on your settings, these items will be included when available.

see also